Unknown Speaker 0:00 fire fire fire fire. Adam Curry JOhn C Dvorak sunday october 18 2020. This is your award winning nation media assassination Episode 187 This is no agenda Adam Curry 0:13 labeled offensive broadcasting live from opportunity's own 33 here in front of Austin, Texas Capitol starstay morning everybody. I'm Adam Curry John C Dvorak 0:24 from Northern Silicon Valley where I wake the Zephyr that's not supposed to come today. I'm Jhansi devorah Unknown Speaker 0:33 ephors are no Zephyr now I'm confused. John C Dvorak 0:36 I don't see anything the other train moving along. That's very here if it's gonna be here, it's gonna be here in the next 60 seconds. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 0:44 it's very confusing though. The Zephyrs? You know it's not supposed to be running after October 1. Yeah ran on Thursday. Unknown Speaker 0:51 Strange. Unknown Speaker 0:54 I have a ever announcement for the gizmo nation who happened to be listening live right now to no agenda stream.com go to my twitter and retweet the most recent animated no agenda titled very fine people you will see that there's a marking there that says this could be offensive to so I finally got one Unknown Speaker 1:18 But Unknown Speaker 1:19 yeah, I tweeted the video too animated no agenda the one that came out this morning about very fine people are gag Unknown Speaker 1:26 wait a minute you telling me that that pointing out the obvious and correcting the record in a Scott Adams sort of way Yeah. And making it clear that what was said was not what they say was said and getting it getting the fact checking correct for that you get condemned is offensive Unknown Speaker 1:50 to some Scott Adams Unknown Speaker 1:52 offensive that people that want to believe the BS So Scott Adams offended by that by by the marking of offensive Unknown Speaker 2:00 well the reason I want people to retweet it is I have requested through some channels say where's my Donald J Trump retweet on this Unknown Speaker 2:12 and yeah you know Trump is ignored are no agenda animated no agenda even though he defended his his stuff more than once i Unknown Speaker 2:21 don't care i just want I just want the juice man. I want the tweet juice Unknown Speaker 2:27 Yeah, everyone retweet this go on. Twitter. Yeah. And if you have Twitter Make sure to add the real devore act to your followers Unknown Speaker 2:36 give them numbers back up. Well you haven't you you're not you know you're not a tweeter anymore. Man. You're a Unknown Speaker 2:43 I've been I've been ever since I stopped tweeting as they've gone from 100,000.9 to Unknown Speaker 2:49 101.5 you're now a masturbator Unknown Speaker 2:56 you're not a tweeter anymore. Unknown Speaker 2:59 So we have a number Unknown Speaker 3:01 I want to correct the record. Oh, John C Dvorak 3:04 so to me two errors. I want to make sure that everyone knows them. One Yes. I mistakenly thought that an Arnold Palmer was the same as the Shirley Temple. Oh Unknown Speaker 3:15 gosh. Unknown Speaker 3:16 Did you get Did you get butt slammed over that one? Unknown Speaker 3:19 Oh, yeah. And Unknown Speaker 3:22 what nonnamous but Unknown Speaker 3:24 what is an Arnold Arnold Palmer then was Unknown Speaker 3:26 eliminated and half iced tea as I as I recall. Okay, surely Campbell is granted Dean and ginger ale. Unknown Speaker 3:35 Right? The comparison is is okay because they're both non alcoholic drinks. Unknown Speaker 3:41 Yeah, I know but I made a mistake of saying they were the same drink Oh, well, geez. Okay, the other one that apparently I did overlooked a clip where he's where the Cuban said we're a client or clients our client went back and listened to it now I've listened to it a couple times. And I said to myself self Did you miss this because you actually kind of cut it off right and that Aaron you heard the whole thing because I heard they're signing off. So you didn't hear this? Is that what you're telling yourself and what I realize what it is I'm gonna make it clear why this happened? Okay, I know this is a ludicrous use but I'm gonna give it anyway. Mandela Effect Unknown Speaker 4:24 Oh, really? So you just didn't hear it? Unknown Speaker 4:26 Yeah. That's not wasn't there when I when I Unknown Speaker 4:29 wasn't there. Well, of course. I'm all on board Mandela Unknown Speaker 4:33 Effect. I'm sure that happened. Yeah, but I apologize mainly to elda just to Mandela Effect. Why? Why should I be apologizing? I apologize mainly to the guy who submitted that clip to you. And I condemned him as another guest slipping as bad clips. So Unknown Speaker 4:54 it was interesting because I told a teen after the show, I said, Hey man that hold that whole thing was edited in She's like what? Because she had first shown it to me. And and I played it for and she's like, that's that that's the clip apparently that's edited and she gave me a like a an eye roll Unknown Speaker 5:15 it just sound edited at the time Unknown Speaker 5:17 it sounded super edited Yeah, well yeah anyway the point about the point about Mark Cuban China was well made regardless so so there's a couple of big topics as you would say COVID where the money is so do you want to start with that? Unknown Speaker 5:35 We got a lot of COVID stuff going on Unknown Speaker 5:37 yeah, we do we do is back in the Unknown Speaker 5:39 news or shut down eBay let's start with this overseas and get our overseas report cuz this is where they're really having an issue. Unknown Speaker 5:45 The Netherlands is shut down shut down again. Unknown Speaker 5:50 Francis pretty much shut down. But yeah, that's you I got I've got a bunch of that's there's some really funny ones here. Um, let's start with most of them are noted as as COVID. But I'm looking at my list. Unknown Speaker 6:07 Let's start with COVID curfews and EU cities is short 16 second clip reminder of the top story we're following for you right now. governments across Europe are introducing a new round of restrictions to stop the record surge in Coronavirus search France has imposed a curfew that requires all public spaces to be shut by 9pm in nine major cities. Yep. I know. It's it's and people are complying. Unknown Speaker 6:35 But they don't get it. Why is this happening? Did you see that? Did you see the the doctors Unknown Speaker 6:43 Hold on a second? Where's it? Unknown Speaker 6:47 Doctors for truth from the Netherlands? Unknown Speaker 6:50 Oh, no, I play that. Unknown Speaker 6:52 Yeah, this is so it's a panel. And this is a kind of a cut down version of their little little press conference. elka cleric is a Dutch GP and she is one of the leaders for doctors for two sales had the Irish lady on who we played some clips from several weeks back. And here's elka the cleric and she's taking quite a stand. Unknown Speaker 7:14 Hello, I'm Alka cleric from an evidence. And I want to say that we do not have a medical pandemic or epidemic we also state that COVID-19 should not be on list a for any longer because we now know that it is a normal flu virus in the normal flu virus isn't on this day. So we are also starting a lawsuit to the state of Netherlands to bring this in with a large group of doctors in a really large group of nurses also because we have contact with 87,000 nurses that do not want the vaccine that is being prepared for us. I want to state if there is no pandemic, I am wondering why our kids are in schools with masks. There's absolutes constitutional rights, and they cannot be infringed or inflated for any medical reason. There's no reason for panic. Also, in the medical practice, there's no reason for panic, the panic is created by these false positive PCR tests 89% until 94% of those PCR tests are false positive, they don't test for the COVID-19. And also, the rest is false negative. So we have to look at clinics, we have to start looking at clinic medical doctors have to stop looking at those tests. That's very important. Let's go back to the clinks into the facts we have in the Netherlands. Now the regular press publishing the news that the PCR test is not correct test so I'm very happy about this. So there's hope Unknown Speaker 8:54 I'm gonna be superficial for a moment. Normally I'd say this probably won't go anywhere. But she's super cute. So you know you're gonna ugly doctor I'm just I'm just I'm looking at it from a television virality perspective you know, I'm not not looking at Unknown Speaker 9:10 any other huh? Come on, man. Come on, man. I moved I agree with you. I'm saying I said yeah. Unknown Speaker 9:18 Yeah, the Netherlands is this is really well, by the Unknown Speaker 9:21 way, cute or not cute. Most of these people don't. Don't even notice. Unknown Speaker 9:27 Which people themselves the evil ones. Keeping us locked up. Unknown Speaker 9:31 Yeah, well, we're not locked up. We're doing okay. We're still reminded with the muzzles on our heads every single day. Unknown Speaker 9:38 Well, here's the here's another series of this is a weird one. This one came out of I think I got this from Deutsche Ravel or maybe France 24. One of the US where I did most of my research on today. This is listed this one and there's a two which is a two parter. This is COVID is under COVID herd immunity, India one. Unknown Speaker 9:57 Now while many governments are urging people to keep pace safe distance to prevent a further mushrooming of COVID-19. Some scientists, the best way to tackle the virus is by grouping together and through herd immunity. In India where the devastating pandemic has hit particularly hard, there's been a noticeable fall in the infection rate in certain densely populated areas. Elon gainsford Unknown Speaker 10:22 reports. This Mumbai slum with shank stacked one on top of the other, social distancing is impossible. But the number of deaths from the coronavirus have been relatively low. Officially, there have been a few thousand after a spike in me figures have stabilized and then dropped the opposite trend to the rest of the country. The same pattern is repeated in other slums in New Delhi. Unknown Speaker 10:50 In the beginning, I was scared Unknown Speaker 10:51 that we will Unknown Speaker 10:52 stay and live with a virus. Unknown Speaker 10:57 In some areas, studies show nearly 60% of the population have developed antibodies that could this mean collective immunity? I don't know why exactly. But I feel like we have the power to fight this illness. There's a debate between specialists about what the findings mean. Many doctors say India is too large and too highly populated for collective immunity to work. Unknown Speaker 11:24 In India, if you're talking about Unknown Speaker 11:25 herd immunity, or you're expecting 1 million people can we choose Unknown Speaker 11:31 who should die who should not die. Unknown Speaker 11:33 So there is no concept of herd immunity at this anytime this particular decision. Unknown Speaker 11:39 But this epidemiologists believes that what the data shows is happening, Unknown Speaker 11:43 one to zero surveillance data to the data of declines in cases being reported from the area. The two together tell me that it's slightly 30 Minute. This to me is what could be the picture in large parts of India. Once the virus spreads further and further. Unknown Speaker 12:02 really dig in her sexy psaltery voiceover it's kind of working for me. Unknown Speaker 12:09 So you have the most cramped, horrible places where nobody wears masks, and they can't social distance in the slums of India, that their caseload is just dropped to nothing. Oops. So this is like an anomaly nobody's going to talk about now. Because it's apparent to me at least, that the whole thing is over. And this is just a reflection of that. If that goes to part two, Unknown Speaker 12:34 I think the the World Health Organization has suggested moving Sweden into India. Unknown Speaker 12:43 We got to cover up everything. We didn't Unknown Speaker 12:45 cover it all up. Let's go with this go to the same clip. Part Two. Unknown Speaker 12:52 official policy discounts the idea of collective immunity. So social distancing, and hygiene measures remain key to fighting the pandemic. Unknown Speaker 13:04 So they're still playing that. I don't know. I don't know. I make it Yeah, you know, is that no, no, no, no. They're playing dumb. Unknown Speaker 13:12 Yeah. Unknown Speaker 13:14 Craig, let's go to this. This is a good one. This is the parish shut down report. Part one. Oh, boy. Unknown Speaker 13:22 I just shift work and don't finish until 915. So after the curfew begins. I have a permit from work. Now the streets are empty. And all is quiet in Paris. Unknown Speaker 13:34 Some more Coronavirus developments for you. German president fun class Unknown Speaker 13:39 to you played? I do. Well, you should pay for it. Is this the one says report dw? Unknown Speaker 13:45 Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, the upper and lower case got me It caught me off guard. I'm sorry. Here we go. Confirmed coronavirus cases in Europe are higher than ever. countries across the country are laying down a new round of restrictions in hopes of slowing the spread. France, for example, has imposed a curfew in nine major cities requiring all public spaces be shut by 9pm. The country has a record 32,000 new cases in just the past day, Unknown Speaker 14:12 he usually stopped for a second. But anyone that that hasn't been listening to this show. Adam has been carrying the ball with most of this stuff. And we both we both noticed the change in in actual cases. And then people that are test positive. And they did a switcheroo on us. And we probably could have to keep mentioning this because I know new people come and start listening over talking about and and this this switcheroo that they've done which has made it sound like things are getting worse when they're not as shown in India is responsible for the craziness is going on in Europe and it's I don't know how long this is gonna continue. Unknown Speaker 14:54 Oh, well. I have some clues. Unknown Speaker 14:57 Um, I got an email from This is circulating, so it is not confirmed. But it looks official from a Liberal Party member in Canada navia. And this person sent out this email as in with some concern, saying, I need to start off by saying I'm not happy doing this, but I have to as a Canadian More importantly, as a parent who wants a better future, not only for my children for other children as well. The other reason I'm doing this because roughly 30% of the committee members are not pleased with the direction this will take Canada. So here's the road map and aim that was set out by the PMO. I think that's the Prime Minister of Ontario. No, that's the sound Planning Committee. I don't know what PMO troll room What does PMO name mean and Kanda navia? Yeah, I mean, well, I'll give you the roadmap phase in secondary lockdown restrictions on a rolling basis starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward expected by November 2020. Oh, the prime PMO is prime minister's office to rush the acquisition of or construction of isolation facilities across every province and territory expected by December 2020. Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of testing. This is as an interesting one will surge beyond capacity of testing including increases in COVID related deaths following the same growth curves expected by the end of November 2020. complete and total secondary lockdown much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions expected by the end of December 2020. early January 2021. Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program expected q1 2021. A couple more. Next projected COVID-19 mutation and are co infection with secondary virus which will be referred to as COVID 21 leading to a third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection expected February 2021. Daily new cases of COVID 21 hospitals gosh this is a great hospitalizations in COVID-19 and COVID 21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity, expected q1 q1 2021. Then enhanced lockdown restrictions referred to as third lockdown will be implemented full travel restrictions will be imposed, including inter province and intercity q2 2021 transitioning individuals into the basic universal basic income program q2 2021. projected supply chain breakdowns inventory shortages, large economic stability, get ready for that in q2, and finally deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as major roadways to establish travel checkpoints restrict travel and movement provide logistical support to the area expected q3 2021 Unknown Speaker 17:58 yay Well, yeah, that's an obvious hoax. Unknown Speaker 18:02 Really, I'd be careful saying that. Unknown Speaker 18:04 I'm saying it if it came at that I will say this. If that came out of Victoria, Australia, I wouldn't make the claim it was a hoax. But, Unknown Speaker 18:15 but it's the same people okay, well, since you ask. Unknown Speaker 18:20 Let's swell Let's finish my clip. All right, well, you stopped shutting down Paris is kind of amusing. Unknown Speaker 18:26 More chairs for more guests. Jaffa Salaam has his hands full today. His restaurant is packed, and his guests all want to be looked after before the curfew takes effect. We have changed everything. We now begin serving dinner at 5pm. The bartenders and servers struggle to keep up with the orders amid a frenzy of activity. jaffas guests have arrived much earlier than usual. little stressful, we have to be hyper efficient in order to have a drink and be home in time. Even though no one looks ready to go home. Most of the patterns are happy to comply with the new curfew. It's not such a bad idea considering the high infection rates. It doesn't bother me that much wasn't. Shortly before 9pm Jaffa tells his guests that they have to make their way home and quickly then it's a race to close on time. With Jaffa determined to avoid the penalties that come with being open past nine is frustrating having to kick people out at 830 in the evening. It's a shock. Usually we're open until six in the morning. Just after 9pm the Metro is deserted. Anyone found outside risks being fined over 100 years. The only exception being emergencies and work Unknown Speaker 19:58 insanity. Unknown Speaker 20:00 And you know what he used to have been saying part when you watch this this was done annoyed Chappelle this restaurant that serves dinner now at five which is outrageous. Unless you're like, you know 80 years old this place was packed to the gills because people had to go out. So what is that? What's the point is packed to the gills more so than usual I'm guessing because they're usually like the guy said he used to be up until six in the morning so people can come and go and it's just packed to the gills for an intense two or three hours of eating and drinking in the crap No, nobody's wearing massive course because they're eating and drinking is pointless. No, it's just totally Unknown Speaker 20:42 pointless. You go back to my office accomplishing nothing. If you go back to my hoax email. It is accomplishing obedience, it is accomplishing adherence, it is accomplishing fear. It is accomplishing a lot of things. This is just to keep keep it going for a little bit until we have our next piece rolled out. That's what it accomplishes. Unknown Speaker 21:05 Let's go to part two. Unknown Speaker 21:08 I just shift work and don't finish until 915. So after the curfew begins, I have a permit from work. Now the streets are empty and all is quiet in Paris. Some more Unknown Speaker 21:20 Coronavirus developments for you. German president Frank Walter Steinmeier has tested negative for Coronavirus after one of his bodyguards tested positive Steinmeier is quarantining Iran has extended Coronavirus restrictions and closures in Tehran into a third week on Saturday. after its death row death toll rose above 30,000 and Australia's Coronavirus hotspot of Victoria recorded only a single case on Saturday the lowest daily number since early June. One yeah block a man lock them down shut up slave one one Unknown Speaker 21:55 lousy case and they shut down the whole area. Uh huh. Unknown Speaker 22:00 Yeah, yeah, sure. Unknown Speaker 22:05 Have you want to do Germany? Unknown Speaker 22:07 Yeah, Germany's got this is a good report. They're cracking down on Unknown Speaker 22:12 GE as a shocker they're cracking down in Germany and German Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of difficult months ahead for the country with almost 8000 new coronavirus infections recorded in the past 24 hours, the highest figure since the start of the pandemic, the Chancellor has been calling on people in Germany to work together to stem the spread of the virus and tough measures have already been introduced in some parts of the country. Unknown Speaker 22:39 Most and social distancing tight of Coronavirus restrictions have been enforced in the southwestern German city of Stuttgart since Wednesday. There are parking alcohol after 11pm and master obligatory and public square What Unknown Speaker 22:53 does that got to do with anything What? Drinking alcohol at 11pm you can't drink after 11 Unknown Speaker 23:01 Are you starting to see the pattern? You're starting to see Unknown Speaker 23:03 pointless exercise Unknown Speaker 23:05 unless you want to punish the slaves. If you want to drink do as we say. Unknown Speaker 23:14 Many of those rules will now be extended to the rest of Barden. Burton back on Monday. The state premier is going to raise the Coronavirus threat alert and that's where you got what Unknown Speaker 23:26 he said premier a Unknown Speaker 23:28 premier is going to raise the Coronavirus threat alert to the highest level by we're going to tighten restrictions there where this doesn't cause too much pain in the hope that we can spare kindergartens, schools and workplaces measures as possible spare the children also being considered once again curbing the number of people allowed into stores and making restaurant reservations obligatory and German Chancellor Angela Merkel made an urgent appeal in her weekly online video, calling on people to act now to contain the pandemic. dollies meet up with far fewer people, whether outside or at home. refrain from any trips that aren't absolutely necessary. Berkeley any celebrations that aren't absolutely necessary? Please, whenever possible, stay at home in your place of residence. Unknown Speaker 24:23 For cases let's just let's just review one more time. Look at all the charts, cases does not equal death anymore at all close at all, at all, at all. Unknown Speaker 24:36 somebody pointed out in on the mastodon feeds deck because I sent us this chart around in the last newsletter this the Swedish one which also contradicted It was a funny picture because it was taken from a Google page. And it showed the contradiction between the actual charts and what's going on in Sweden, which is zero deaths and nothing going on a lot of cases Yeah, and and, and the notation that came up high in the Google rankings of the Swedish experiments that disastrous failure. And, and this has been, this has been continues with some people using different kinds of charting methodologies now, including logarithmic, so you get a completely different look at things, but it's not meaningful, but it looks even worse. Mm hmm. And that was kind of pointed out just a part two to this clip if you want to play it, Unknown Speaker 25:31 despite support from the armed forces to keep the test and trace system up and running. This concern that Germany's local health authorities are still struggling. Nonetheless, 2000 people protested in Stuttgart, in the Coronavirus measures. They were not wearing masks. Unknown Speaker 25:49 sounds just like everywhere else, doesn't it? They were not wearing masks, though. So they make a big deal about the masses. Unknown Speaker 25:55 But I think there's a lot of this has to do with the track and trace methodologies they've been trying to implement and nobody is going for it. Unknown Speaker 26:05 Oh, okay, good. First, a few words about PCR tests. My last emotional suggestion that lab technicians and people familiar with the PCR test should start speaking out has resulted in somewhat hates coming my direction. And it goes something like this. Here's one example. Hey, bud, Unknown Speaker 26:28 just a second before you wait, before you read this. This was a complete shock to you, right? Unknown Speaker 26:36 I got so here's the thing. I got so many nice emails from people saying you know, you're right. In fact, one one of our one of our Knights actually said, you know, it is so hard and he actually gave an analogy which I thought was kind of nice in 2015 I left a career in aerospace as a quality assurance inspector after I'd been threatened with my job over not certifying a damaged 737 break. It took a year to plan my escape but I refused to compromise my integrity and had gone as far with the company as I could within that line drawn. I think a lot of people have faced similar and most just let the man ease it in people are going to have to come face to face with the same monster I did and decided that it is that they signed on for what for what they signed on for with their employers. And that is in my mind is kind of analogous. Hey, just certified that break, man. Don't worry about it. There's there's eight of them on the plane. Don't worry about it. And no, of course you don't want I Unknown Speaker 27:32 used to be I used to one of my many, many, Unknown Speaker 27:37 many jobs. Unknown Speaker 27:38 Yes. For many vocations. Yes. Quality Control was one of them. And and there's I have a lot of stories too. I mean, it's because there are things there you do it to bend the rules. You can't go by the book. But I that's when I learned how to write the cover your ass memo. And so if there was a situation like the breaks or something, you'd immediately write a cover your ass memo asking for clarification. And you never get a return note. So you really can't get shoot. I look. Look. I asked for the clarification. I don't know what I'm supposed Unknown Speaker 28:09 to do here. Right, right. I just Yeah, the See ya. Unknown Speaker 28:13 Yeah, see ya is work. That's where you learn it when your quality control costs are nowadays quality assurance, QA, is you're not controlled, controlling anything. Unknown Speaker 28:23 So an example email, Hey, bud, I'm doing the voice because that's how I heard it. Hey, bud, just so you're aware, bench techs have zero, say and how many cycles are run on PCR testing. It isn't even set by the clinical testing facility. It's validated and approved by the FDA with the manufacturer, take it up with them. shitting on lab techs really shows how ignorant you are on this. Excuse me, that information by itself is valid. Saw that I put a couple of them all anonymous, of course, I put them in the in the show notes. And one was even at the meetup. And I guess I didn't know that I was interested in this or we just didn't connect or whatever. And yeah, but the stuff the lab technician says is also it's very confusing. It all comes down to Well, here's here's the bottom line, the test is accurate. It's how its interpreted or how it's set up or how the essay is done. So the technicians the way I read it, and excuse me, if I'm interpreting it wrong, are taking their hands off saying we're just following orders. Unknown Speaker 29:37 That's what that note sounds like. Unknown Speaker 29:39 Yeah. And the problem is that's what the Germans wound up saying. Yeah, it's the problem. You're having this nice Caboose, we're just following orders. And I would just like one or two lab technicians like brave doctors and nurses who came out and said hold on a second. This is now that this is now your responsibility. You've you've, you've been a part of it. And now the doctors know no one's dying like they used to. Now we're locking down because of cases which comes from PCR tests. And you just heard the Dutch doctors saying they're faulty, they give false positives, they gave false negatives. And then no lab technician is coming out and saying, Yeah, even if you said, hey, it's in the interpretation, you got to go look at the FDA. We go look at your health services. They're the ones that are setting the standard. And what does it really mean? But they're not. So that's fine. It's fine. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 30:36 I think that was a defensive note that you read from some guy. I don't know why he would take that position doesn't make sense. He's a douche. Unknown Speaker 30:44 Okay, so what is this all leading towards? Luckily, we do have some news from Australia. Because it is coming, it is happening. And it is almost here, Unknown Speaker 30:57 the very first use case that will be underway, and we hope to have completed by this time next year is to digitalize the incoming passenger card. So at the moment, everybody who arrives into Australia, be you a foreigner and Ozzie, you would complete this card, and it has your contact information, your details, Unknown Speaker 31:17 just to clarify, they're talking about the arrival card when you fly into Australia. Everyone has to, we have to have that in the states as well fill out an arrival card where you're coming from what flight you're on what nationality you are, and everyone does it not just the foreigners, but also the Australians. So now they're digitizing that. And let's see what kind of benefit that could give us Unknown Speaker 31:38 well, some of the bio security information that obviously is sometimes difficult to read, it takes time to manually process this. And in the future, when we need to be able to context trace people, we of course, would like that information to be able to get to help authorities immediately, rather than having to go through the process of entering the data and across to them. So from this time next year, our expectation is that will no longer need this income. And by the way, Unknown Speaker 32:09 this time next year, this time next year is what they're talking about next year, our expectation Unknown Speaker 32:15 is that will no longer need this incoming passenger card, because we'll have a fully digital incoming passenger card. And what's more by having a digital product in the future, should there be a globally available vaccine, we'll be able to attach a authentic vaccination certificates through the incoming passenger card so that we will know if a person has indeed had that vaccination or not. And therefore, they will be able to enter into Australia potentially without quarantining. Furthermore, by digitizing these, we have much greater authenticity and integrity associated with who the individual is. Because typically you do this on your phone image would be taken off your face, which would match up your passport to ensure there is integrity in relation to the identity of the individual. And of course, from a context tracing perspective, that means that we'll be able to immediately have the information connected into contact tracing capability in each of the state and territories, jurisdictions, should they need it. Unknown Speaker 33:27 So yeah, we may be thinking it's going nowhere, because it's voluntary. This is the crackdown. This is starting now. It's happening, you're gonna have an app. And the first app on a global scale comes from the World Economic Forum, and the common you see what their net the commons project, which is a nonprofit, the commons project, let me just see the About Us here, tell you what they're about what we believe, oh, boy, we believe all he believe we believe all people should enjoy the benefits of technology and data to improve their lives. We believe that Unknown Speaker 34:04 race improve your life. It sounds like it just complicates things. We believe Unknown Speaker 34:07 that great technology products can be built and sustained in ways that respect individual privacy. We believe people have the right to control and benefit from their personal information. We believe in transparency and accountability, equity and exclusivity stronger together. Everything we do adheres to these principles. Just a quick note on who is on the who the global trustees are. We have a nice show prob so that's a Esther Dyson, Esther Dyson. Esther Dyson is on this. Wow, she's still alive. Esther, please. I don't mean that in a bad way. I just haven't heard anything from Esther Dyson and at least a decade. Oh my goodness. I Unknown Speaker 34:50 kind of was doing you know, she had a she was a high profile person and she got she hooked up with a bunch of last I heard and I knew her pretty well. She hooked up with a bunch of Russian investors. And they're putting their money in all kinds of work. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 35:08 that was a while ago. Yeah. And she was all Gaga about him. Russia was the future of the internet, if I recall correctly or something like that. So just a few of the trustee counsel, I won't give you all the names, but we have the professor or the CEO of the Mayo Clinic, the CEO of Pitney Bowes, we have the CIO of QVC and the CIO of Walmart's, we have the CEO of grapevine health. General Counsel from a media player drive my car network, CEO of Louisiana State University Health Care, you get the Unknown Speaker 35:41 anything that guy's involved in is sketchy. Unknown Speaker 35:43 Yep. Do you get the idea who's involved in this. So this is their first project, they have a really crappy video to explain it with lots of boring music and subtitles, and at least this will give you an idea of what they're talking about Unknown Speaker 35:58 common past is a platform that lets people safely and securely collect their health information, whether it is a negative COVID test result, or eventually a record of a COVID vaccination, manage that information, control it themselves, and then be able to let that information be used to demonstrate that they have had a negative test or they have been vaccinated so they can get on an airplane or travel to another country. For countries, it gives them the ability to actually know confidently that this person who wants to come visit them can actually safely be admitted into their country without the risk of exposing other people in a country to do COVID if you put yourself in a travelers shoes, people want to travel but they don't want to and frankly shouldn't have to hand out their sensitive health information every airline they want to fly every country they want to visit every airport they want to travel for. And so I think the the balance that needs to be achieved to say hey, how can we give let's say a country or an airline, the comfort they need to know that this person is safe to travel or safe Sandra country Unknown Speaker 37:11 without you know, you're gonna get a stamp, safe to travel Unknown Speaker 37:15 having to get to tattoo Unknown Speaker 37:17 tattoo. Unknown Speaker 37:19 information. So it's the the East African Community, which is where we like to start things. Rwanda, Kenya, Unknown Speaker 37:29 the East African communities where we like to test all this shit on people. Yeah, baby go. So it's the Unknown Speaker 37:35 the East African Community, which is Unknown Speaker 37:37 Rwanda. Unknown Speaker 37:40 And just the whole fact that say, the East African Community, it's bigger than your entire country, bro. Stop with your community. Unknown Speaker 37:48 It's the the East African Community which is Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Unknown Speaker 37:54 Uganda, Burundi and South Sudan. Unknown Speaker 38:01 What led to this was their desire to restart trucking. And four of those six countries are landlocked, so they're entirely dependent Unknown Speaker 38:11 on the rest is just you know how it came to be. And it's very successful. Of course, in East Africa is great, everybody loves it, no interviews or anything. So it's clear. If you take what the health guy said, In Australia, this is all coordinated. It's all a part of it. It's all coming together. It's all gonna be beautiful. And we have, of course, where this is leading, and it's, gosh, it was kind of kind of freaky, but I knew it would happen. You know, there was an election just just a little bit away from Australia, the New Zealand election took place during the lockdown in there and there's I think they're still pretty locked down all across New Zealand. I'm not 100% Sure. And Prime Minister jacinda Arden was reelected for I think, another four years as prime minister, and she gave her acceptance speech Unknown Speaker 39:16 out here at Unknown Speaker 39:21 a heart attack report takita he Unknown Speaker 39:23 love this. She speaks fluent Maori, he knows Unknown Speaker 39:30 in who he who he might. Unknown Speaker 39:31 That to me was the end of show I saw Unknown Speaker 39:34 in who he who he might Unknown Speaker 39:35 know what it means, but I like who he who he might May. Unknown Speaker 39:40 Okay, we'll pass on that. And now to the English version of what she said, Unknown Speaker 39:45 for the next three years. There is much work to do. We will build back better from the Unknown Speaker 39:54 now let's let's listen. Let's listen to what that means in her mind. And I'm going to say This is actually a 22nd clip to accentuate what I'm going to say Kamala Harris on a phone press briefing Transcribed by https://otter.ai